SpringOne is a conference organized by VMWare (earlier Pivotal) is the premier conference for developers and architects building cloud-native software. They have recently concluded SpringOne 2021 on September 1-2, 2021 covering broader areas such as beginner and advanced Spring framework, Architecture Patterns and Cloud-native Platforms. This article summarizes key takeaways from SpringOne 2021 developer conference.
#1 – Developer productivity & application platform is pivotal
Highlighted key focus areas to enable developer’s productivity using capabilities of application platform such as:
- Code generation with template starting points using start.spring.io
- Frictionless code to production using VMWare Tanzu Application Platform (Beta version launched in conference)
- Code-centric integration using Spring Integration, Spring Cloud Data Flow, Spring Web Flow, etc.
- Security automated using Spring Security (supporting OAuth, SAML, Kerberos)
- Intrinsic Observability with Tanzu Observability along with Spring Boot Actuator
Additionally, highlights from The State of Spring 2021 report were shared primarily focused for developers and architects with respect to Spring framework usage.
#2 – Synergy and partnership is the key to success
- Invited many customers to share their success stories such as:
- Hyundai accelerated digital journey using Tanzu platform applying App Modernization, Microservices and DevSecOps
- GAP shared their journey of creating seamless customer experience using VMWare Tanzu Application Service
- CVS, Morgan Stanley, and the U.S. Army shared their learning as part of their move to the cloud using Spring and Tanzu platform
- Solidfied partnership with Microsoft Azure, which provides Azure Spring Cloud (a fully managed service)
- Azure launched Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise in the conference providing full support to the Spring ecosystem
- Parternship with Solace, which provides event-mesh capabilities for an enterprise for developing event-driven architecture
- Demonstratd VMWare Tanzu support for full lifecycle of production workload as shown below using tools such as:
- Cloud Native CI/CD using Tekton, Cloud Native Builds with Buildpacks.io, Knative for Serverless deployment

#3 – Support for new patterns and current & future technology trends
- Highlighted extensive support for RSocket messaging platform by Spring for reactive programming (see diagram below)
- Shared examples of using modern techniques like Cloud Native Buildpacks for Docker image (e.g. Paketo)
- Sprint’s support for native image with GraalVM for applications in need of lower latency, higher throughput, and better startup time
- Shared hands-on examples such as Dive, which is a tool for exploring a docker image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink the size Docker images
- Demonstrated live examples of Spring framework capabilities such as Spring Cloud Stream, which can handle all communication scenarios related to event-driven microservices such as:
- Persistent Pub/Sub
- Consumer Group
- Stateful Partitioning Support
- Demonstrated synergy with Kubernetes as a platform in conjuction with Spring Cloud, particularly in areas where they have overlap such as:
- Using Spring Cloud Config Service to get data from Git & Config Map
- Spring Cloud Kubernetes Discovery Server integrated with Kubernete API server
- Config Watcher integrated with Kubernetes API Server
- No explicit coupling with Kubernetes API Server with Spring Microservices running in PODs

To conclude, SpringOne continued its previous journey to share insightful sessions related to Spring framework, VMWare Tanzu Platform, and other technologies such as Kubernetes, GraalVM, RSocket, etc. These key takeaways from SpringOne 2021 developer conference is just the start of the journey. Keep up with your continuous learning journey with conferences like SpringOne!
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